
Eclipse how to install packages
Eclipse how to install packages

To perform this action, we open the terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) and type: tar -xvf ~/Descargas/eclipse-inst-linu圆4.tar.gzĪfter that, we launch the installer typing in the same terminal: ~/Descargas/eclipse-installer/eclipse-inst If not, let everyone look for the location of the package. I assume that by default the package Eclipse was downloaded in the ~ / Downloads folder from the user's folder. Now we are going to extract the downloaded package using the commands below. This package we can get from the official website, In the Downloads section.

eclipse how to install packages eclipse how to install packages

Now that we have Java installed on our system, it is time to download the Eclipse Oxygen IDE package.

eclipse how to install packages

To install the JDK, we can follow the steps that a colleague already showed us in an article in which he indicated how to install different versions of java on our Ubuntu system. Eclipse requires Java JDK to be installed in the system in which we want to use it.

Eclipse how to install packages